We offer you outstanding expertise when it comes to rethinking and realigning HR

Sophisticated integrations and data-supported analytics solutions are necessary elements of successful processes

Modern, efficient and future-proof HR processes require a seamless and stable basis. This can only be achieved with a clear integration concept and IT strategy.
Which systems and processes can ideally be mapped in a solution, where can which integrations be set up so that both processes and users are supported in the best possible way?
In addition to error-free process flows, integrated systems also provide all the data required to make efficient and good decisions. We provide the expertise from over 15 years of HR-IT integrations to support your processes.

Evaluation of HR-IT integrations


The starting point for every decision is an understanding of the situation. We help you to analyze and assess your (international) system landscape - with all its strengths, weaknesses, challenges and risks. Existing solutions and integrations need to be reviewed and scrutinized. Not everything that is technically possible is always right and important. The benefits and relevance of every system and integration in use are examined and brought to a comparable level that makes it possible to make decisions on optimization or expansion without overburdening the company or losing sight of day-to-day business. With our tried and tested approach and templates adapted to your situation, we manage to uncover blind spots, "shadow IT" and synergy potentials, to evaluate an overview of runtimes, costs and integration options without excluding the satisfaction of users and stakeholders from consideration.


Status Quo

Our tried-and-tested templates and procedures for analyzing the status quo help to obtain a clear picture of your HR IT landscape and uncover blind spots while saving resources.


We provide you with decision templates and options for different scenarios, according to your current setup and the medium and long-term target picture


Thanks to a broad overview of the industry and the experience of various companies, we can always provide you with a classification of others and, if desired, arrange contact for an exchange.



Once there is a clear picture of the status quo, the next step is to find the best possible response to upcoming challenges and overarching goals. A realistic and feasible integration and analytics strategy considers not only technical possibilities but also professional necessities and the future viability of the individual systems as well as the fit with the overall HR IT landscape. A clear picture of the interrelationships between systems and the possibilities that individual elements can or cannot provide is only the first step in the strategy conception. Implementation planning often poses greater challenges than initially considered. Inaccurate specifications or requirements definitions can quickly make integration projects expensive and protracted, and in the worst case even fail. The reasons for this are often superficial planning, a lack of understanding of possibilities, but also an unclear definition of requirements that does not go deep enough. With many years of experience in IT integration projects, the development of our own integrations and close partnerships with various integration service providers and solutions, we know the challenges and can help you to avoid making these mistakes.


HR-IT Strategy

Together, we derive the right HR-IT strategy from your corporate strategy. Your HR-IT strategy supports the company in achieving its goals and creates solutions for future challenges.


HR IT strategies in particular are subject to a constant stress test. It is therefore important that every long-term plan is accompanied by a pragmatic implementation idea for the short and medium term.


Even the best strategy should be regularly reviewed and scrutinized. Are resources still being allocated to the right topics at the right time? We help to establish and maintain clear governance.


The rewards of a clean HR IT landscape are not only functioning and efficient processes but also the available database. No matter what the target image and infrastructure looks like - whether data is collected in a data warehouse, for example, or whether individual systems are connected bilaterally or data flows via an integration platform - with standardized data and process definitions, more can quickly be collected from the information than initially expected. You not only gain the ability to make decisions based on data, but also an understanding of how quickly and well your company can react to changes, new challenges or strategic shifts in direction. The connection of individual data makes it possible to recognize information in the first place. Most companies today already have all the information they need in their systems to calculate, for example, expected fluctuation, the duration of new hires for individual positions, the possibility of building up new skills and qualifications, headcount and FTE planning and much more. The only thing missing is the integration of the individual data blocks to generate information and knowledge from data. The list of key figures, evaluations and forecasts that can already be created today is often much longer than expected.


Evaluate existing

Let's make more out of existing data together - we will help you to recognize what information can be collected from existing data.


We help you to create meaningful dashboards and key figures that help you to improve your processes and decisions. On request, always with benchmarks and realistic target values.


No matter which way is chosen to turn data into knowledge, we help to implement the necessary integrations to connect and link data clearly and comprehensibly.

Development of international

Recruiting dashboards

Together with a globally active DAX company from Germany, we have rethought recruiting key figures to not only show the current status via funnel and requirements, but also expected hiring times based on position, similar job advertisements from competitors, general availability of applicants (e.g. university degrees,...) and many more criteria.

HR-IT landscape

Analyzing and looking ahead

for a globally active company that has grown strongly through acquisitions. Together, we managed to collect all systems and, in particular, regional and local characteristics and recognized both short-term synergy effects and developed a strategy as to which systems and processes should be mapped globally or retained locally.

Strategy consulting for the right

HR-IT landscape

As part of a carve-out, we were able to advise this medium-sized company on what the ideal HR IT landscape should look like in order to achieve its ambitious goals and meet its challenges.


Frequently asked questions

Do you have further questions? Please get in touch with us!

How does an individual consultation work?

According to your needs - we bring the necessary templates with us, show you successful implementations from other cases and discuss together how we can best help you.

When is the right time for this?

There is rarely a right time, the more important question is what happens if you don't deal with a clear HR integration strategy? What pain will you suffer in the long term and what opportunities will you miss out on if you don't deal with it today?

Is our company ready for analytics?

Most companies already have all the necessary data to dive deeper into the topic of analytics without having the awareness for it. Therefore, our answer is YES, every company is ready to quickly and pragmatically dive into HR analytics and get started!

We lack budget for HR integrations

Tackling the right issues and gradually building change into a clean HR tech landscape doesn't always have to be expensive and labor-intensive. It's often just about doing the right things at the right time and making the right decisions in the context of change.

Get in touch with our team

Whether it's just a brief exchange of experiences or sparring or a specific request, please get in touch and let's talk.