Experience our dynamic competence model in action using a practical example

Using our case study of a medium-sized manufacturing company with around 1000 employees, we will show you what an exemplary competency model looks like and how it can be used.

Competence modeling

Our competency modeling combines flexibility and customization with a structured assessment that is aligned with your company's strategic goals. Our multiple job competency models offer a balance between generalized and individual approaches, promote acceptance and flexibility and continuously adapt to the requirements of a dynamic market landscape.


General, company-wide competencies

General competencies apply company-wide and support all employees in acting successfully. These include social skills for communication and collaboration(Strong Together), personal skills for self-management and adaptability(Lead Yourself), methodological skills for problem solving (Impactful Methods) and digital skills for efficient work processes(Digital Accelerators).

General competencies-4

Competencies of the specialist departments

Using the Development department as an example, we illustrate possible future competencies in this department:

Development needs specific skills to ensure innovation and market success. Two key skills here could be product development and agility, for example.

Product Development

  • Enables the continuous improvement and market readiness of new products through targeted analysis and cross-departmental collaboration


  • Promotes flexible adaptation to market changes through agile methods such as Scrum or Kanban, which ensures fast and efficient product development

Team-specific competencies

The sheets, which reflect the future competencies, are evaluated intermittently and renewed as required to enable a continuous examination of future challenges. The branches, which represent the respective team, illustrate the specific requirements of the individual areas.

In our example of the electrical engineering team, specific future skills are crucial for developing innovative and efficient solutions. Competencies such as Embedded Systems Design and Power Electronics could play a central role here.

Embedded Systems Design

  • Development of integrated systems from hardware and software components
  • Employees program microcontrollers or design circuit diagrams
  • Enables the design of innovative embedded systems

Power Electronics

  • Development of power electronics systems for controlling and converting electrical energy
  • Creating reliable solutions for renewable energies and industrial automation

Through targeted skills modeling, these skills are regularly evaluated and further developed so that the electrical engineering team is optimally prepared for future challenges.

Team Elektro with writing


Our Alliantis dynamic competency model uses a tree structure that illustrates different levels of competency development (see full illustration below). This allows it to be flexibly adapted to the specific requirements of your organization.

  • The roots represent the normative level, which serves as a common foundation and is closely linked to the corporate values. They form a common basis on which the entire model is built, even if different trunks exist.

  • The trunk symbolizes the general, company-wide competencies that are relevant for all employees, e.g. Strong Together or Lead Yourself. Each area can define its own general competencies that are specifically tailored to the respective group in the company.

  • The branches represent the competencies of the specialist departments, which are tailored to the requirements of individual areas. These departments require specific skills in order to perform their tasks effectively. We looked at the Development department, which focuses on skills such as Product Development and Agility.

  • The leaves represent the future skills and team-specific competencies that are regularly reviewed for their relevance in order to secure future-critical skills. In the Electrical Engineering team, these were specialized skills such as Embedded Systems Design or Power Electronics.

This structure allows the model to be flexibly adapted to the specific requirements and individual structure of your organization. It helps your employees to continuously develop and react flexibly to changes in the market.

Summary Overview


Do you have any further questions? Please feel free to contact us!

What advantages does targeted skills modeling offer our company?

Well thought-out skills modeling creates a clear structure that enables your employees' skills to be developed in a targeted manner and optimally aligned with strategic goals. This can not only increase efficiency, but also increase flexibility to react quickly to changes in the market.

How does competence modeling specifically support our company in meeting future challenges?

By identifying and strategically promoting relevant skills, targeted skills modeling helps to future-proof your company. You will be better prepared to successfully master both current and future requirements and strengthen your competitiveness in the long term.

How are individual and team-oriented future skills promoted in the Alliantis model?

The dynamic Alliantis model combines general, departmental and team-specific skills to ensure comprehensive development. Future skills are specifically promoted so that employees and teams are able to react quickly and effectively to new challenges.

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